Gliding through with eternal flame, who will keep it sane?
Rooted on the ground, watching over all year round
Very tenacious and danger prone person, don't come near me, will pull you down or unfortunate events will befall, whichever is earlier.
I know what i want, has my own set of rules and tend to think 3 steps ahead. checkmate!
People say that i think simple, thats what i want them to think or perhaps whats what i am. Things tend to be simple when u have your own rules and mindset, don't you think so?
I like to get things done, and believe that the best way to do so is to do it by yourself. I only believe myself.
I perfer to think problems I encountered as a kind of game or performance, with me being the spectator asking both the players, 'what will you do?'. Things are much easier to solve if you are not involved, and the process is much more enjoyable, doesn't it?
Like maths, hate politics. Maths is the only thing that seems logical nowadays. Somesay politics is a kind of maths, mathematically speaking.
I only hesitate when i'm uncertain of being able to complete the task perfectly. And in a way, creating more problems by not trying. That is something i'm working on, hopefully.
I only hang around with people i feel comfortable with, and will not even talk to those otherwise... unless it is necessary for me to achieve my goals that is.
Someone once said,'curiosity doesn't kill the cat, boredom will'. Thats why when i feel like doing something, i'll do it, in my own pace that is.
Live dangerously with me... ...
previous items
so long, good bye
gone to a better place...
ben (奔)
All i wanted....
darkness dreams
oh my! oh my!!
decision... choices choices
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Saturday, April 29
sound advice
My boss was at cck park last night working. Since i was having track and field, i was not involve. As cck park is just beside my place, soon after my competition i joined him (or shld i say went home and sun bian visit him) Reached there at around 7pm. The event we are for has yet to start. So we sat down at the cafe to rest. For me, i was having my dinner. oh, ganesha was there as well, he was the one who sent me back to cck after my competition.
Then we started chatting. He giving us some advice. 1) when you are young, you shld just go for and enjoy as many relationships as much as you can, if not it will be too late if you are at his age.
a)For what i know, my this boss is rather depressed and sad and lonely and demoralise. He used his own example, all in all he doesn't want us to become like him. b) As for me, i must admit that i'm a very traditional person, so traditional that i don't mind having a match making session, get it over and done with. No more hassel of having to think abt simple stuff that seemed so complicated. Perhaps i shld say i'm just lazy. Nonetheless, the truth is i'm still holding myself back. Its a promise, The promise. So those fans who want to woo me better do so quickly, else i'll be in full force once the time limit of the promise is up. Before you know it, i'll be attached! heh heh...
(for this, he doesn't know so he continued talking and talking...)
2) "For a start, you shld wear contacts. The eyes is the soul, with specs on there will be like a barrier" very lei chei leh, my frist reaction. Currently i only have one box of daily disposible with me. Only to wear it during emergency such as involve in exercise which need to wear gas mask. Other then that, i see no point for wearing contacts to 'remove the barrier' in front of other guys..
3) 'save money shld not save in bank, must keep it with you so you can see the money grow and become more motivated to save more" For this i was thinking how much money he is having under his pillow...Maybe one of this day i shld visit his place... haha
4) ' Go for ugly girls, then slowly move up' I was rather skeptical abt this advice, he must be joking. If looks is just a different level of stages or difficulty is persuing love, i would rather not have any. Its just so absurd. For me, so long as got mouth, got nose, got 2 eyes got ears, and normal can liaoz. My critirial is much stricter compare to looks though, so far only a few met it.
Hmm.. wat else..! Oh, before i forgot my team is offically known as A.K.A! With K being my boss kenneth, and A for my second boss alex. And me? heh heh, slowly guess lah. If cannot guess, just take it as Adgnet lor.
|[ zofz | 8:32 PM ]|
Ubin Boy!!
Been praying the whole of yesterday that i'll not be involve in any work today. For if there is a need for me to be involve in my job, i will have to forgo my plans for today. The plan that was made so perfectly and exciting.
Yes, its my ubin trip with jb and yc!!
Slept at 10pm last night for i know today will be long, tiring and exciting. Woke up at 7am this morning by ganesha's call. He is supposed to return my bag i placed in his car at 730am. Collected my bag with and i started packing.
item #1: camera item#2 :extra shirt, jeans and shoes for tonight item #3" water bottle
And off I go! met the rest at 9am plus and took bus 59 to changi village. I recommended the nasi lemak and chicken chop noodles to them. Yum yum, with that we proceed with the main event for the day. Its has been 2 yrs since i last went there with jc and ce. Not sure if it is a coincidence or what. At ubin jetty, we met jonathan, our classmate and npcc mate. 4 of us actually knew each other since sec 1 in npcc. Did the usual hihi and exchange of telephone numbers.
Our very first stop was actually the new npcc campsite near noordin beach. But due to overestimation of our instinct in the forest, we ended up back to the village chef house. It was until 1pm or so after we visited the quarry that we came to the npcc campsite. Phew! it was hard work. The entire journey i was practically changing from one side of my buttock to the either as the seat was super hard and uncomforable, (Hey! its a $3 whole day bicycle), moreover the terrain is undulating, up and down , up and down...
Nonetheless it was fun. We soon reached a orchard farm. It was there we took a longer break by sitting down, buying drinks and eating my sandwich. (my original plan was to cook and prepare food for lunch, but i was too tired to do so the night before) I got to know of a boy of around 4 yrs old. He was sitting on the table. I shared my potato chips with him and started chatting with him. Of cos the entire conversation was totally senseless, so senseless that jb and yc can't be bothered to join in. It involves commenting on my potato chips being not sweet though he has yet to even eat it, chatting on my bag being spoilt, but in fact it was just mud stains 'flying' from the ground and he actually helped me clean it and a crab that is SO big... The boy was just so cute.... just feel like eating him up... we left the place by giving each other loud loud "hmmpf" several times. He is just a typical ubin boy...
we left ubin at around 3pm. Went to jb's place to take a bath and to play monopoly.
Will be meeting yc again at 10pm. Going somewhere to enjoy ourselves!! heh heh heh... Don't ask! there aren't many places to got so late at night till early morning.. Shldn't be hard to guess. No, its not clubbing... Can't wait!
|[ zofz | 7:57 PM ]|
Thursday, April 27
writing crap
It has been quite some time since i got time and inspirations to write lyrics and poems and stories. Almost a year since i've done so.
Was in the mrt after class. I've forgotten to bring my book and no one seems to be receiving my msg. Yet, i don't feel like sleeping. Took out a piece of paper and started writing...
"Run beyond the endless darkness, swiftly, aimlessly, deadly Cutting throught the emptiness Finding none, Back to square one
Soak into the essence of darkness of night Close the soul, Feel the ink, Hear the spirit Breath, Breath in the essence of solance Lost
Emptiness cannot be destroyed, It can only be filled. "
|[ zofz | 5:39 PM ]|
mahjong session!
yesterday was the first day of my block leave. As much as i denied to everyone that i play mahjong, i found it an obligation to do so yesterday since koh's willing to invite us to his place and to teach us how to play the game.
Early morning i've reached admirlty mrt at around 8am and had my breakfast there at macdonalds. Soon, yk came then wk then koh. We waited for another 1 hr for nv to come. Think its worthwhile since he treated us pizza for his actions.
Anyway, we officially started the game at 10am. For the first time, i made the effort to learn abt the scoring part. Oh did i mention that there are 5 people? nv and yk paired up as one team as they really don't know how to play. Nv can't recognise the chinese characters anyway.
It had been 2 yrs since i've touched mahjong. Was abit rusty at the beginning, nonetheless i soon regain my self touch ability and won big big.
Well, at least for the first time we did something together and had fun without mentioning anything regarding the camp...
I'm so good..
|[ zofz | 11:18 AM ]|
Wednesday, April 26
It is hard to believe that the outing with bmt friends can go so wrong. A disaster!! We had not met for more than 1 yr and some are not showing enthusiastic for my outing. How dare they!!
Polly is due to the wrong combination ba. Just because i can get along with so many of them, doesn't mean they can get along with each other. In fact, the entire outing seemed weird and everyone don't feel like doing anything.
Polly its the wrong timing. Me and wd came from camp, Lh came from sports, CS came from tuition, TY came from lesson. Only SQ is free. Thats why all were tired and were rather reluctant to do anything. Yes! that must be the case...
We went Pasta Mania to eat Pizza (!!) for lunch, took a short walk and halk of us went B Box to sing. The feeling of singing was not there, we were practically watching the mtv most of the time. Haiz. Then i must admit, my singing has deproved alot. Hey! it has been 1 yr since i've been to such place. Only free people so free can come to such place to enjoy... ... haha...
Lets hope our outing with jb and yc next week can have the right feeling...
Currently (230406 6pm), i'm now in my office typing this post to the email so i can copy to my blog later, cos don't know why cannot login to my blog in this comp. I've spent the entire morning watching cartoons, reading my book which has been on my self for 1 yr and watching JAWS 3! Now waiting for the noodles delivery to deliver my chicken chop noodles back here. Yum yum... Now planning what interesting thing i'm going to do tml...
|[ zofz | 12:12 AM ]|
Thursday, April 20
Game for any challenge!
I think i am really becoming invincible. So many challenges within the span of 3 days. Not that i've win, but at least i've tried and enjoyed myself. So proud of myself.
Tue: Suddenly! there was this interdepartment badminton competition. We got into the semi finals simply because of walk overs from other departments. I played my only game with Tay and i've lost 4-15. Those who have seen me playing and i myself deep down that the 4 points i've scored were all with my heart and soul. Nevertheless, we came in 3rd!
Wed: IPPT! perfect score! (as always). Basically among the 30 over participants for the test, only 4 got gold. And 3 of them are from my platoon, me wk and yk. (nv didn't take the test). At first we were all worried that we aren't able to do it due to muscle ache from badminton the day before. But we managed to pull through. Especially for the 2.4 km run. We were all encouraging each other by shouting and clapping during the last 800m. Eventually got into the first 3 positions. With me in the first place of cos.... Our accomplishment was the talk of the day by everyone in the unit... ...
Thur: Hurdles! yes, hurdle meaning the barrier found on the running track which you need to jump across. Today is the first time i've ever run hurdles. And guess what? Its the finals for Atheletics Meet 2006 Hurdles event!
It all started at Wed afternoon when my phone rang,"Td! we need you to take part in the 400m hurdles event tml" "TML? Its like i've just completed my fitness test this morning and you want me to take part in hurdles tml? i've nv run hurdles before!" Eventually i've agreed. Hence wed night, nv guided me to learn the tecnique with a Foldable Table (which can give the actual distance), a stool, a lit and a white tape. In 1 night, i've learnt the essence of jumping.
We reached the track at 1345 this afternoon. I was just able to register my name when someone came to tell me that there is another space for 110m hurdles and wanted me to join.
I'm game for a challenge! (Those who do not know, the hurdles for the 110m are much higher then the 4oom ones)
2pm exactly,nv was in lane 1, i found myself standing on lane 2, I was thinking "woa, here i am running the 110m hurdles finals and i only knew it like 15 mins ago" 10 hurdles were lined up straight infront. 10 m and 1 hurdle, meaning every 4-6 steps have to jump. The empire explained the rules of the competition and used an inauspicious example, "..For example if lane 2 jump and run to lane 6, he will be disqualified!This happened before...."
I was like -_-lll . how he knew this is my first time running hurdle?
Within minutes, the race started. I ran for a few seconds and found a hurdle. The very first hurdle i'll be jumping across in my life. I made a leap. Before i knew it, i found myself being tripped over and i fell on the ground.
Run!! Complete the race! Just finish it off! i told myself...
I ran, jumped and ran, jumped and ran, jumped. I recalled nv's words from the day before "these are just irritants! these are just barrier that are holding you back, they are nothing! Just jump over all these irritants" The fear i had on jumping the folding table that was SO high suddenly vanished.
I can't believe that a 110m race can be so tiring. I came to the last hurdle. I was all drained. I had to make a choice. I did something that made the entire spectators laughing and every participants doing the field events at the same time to stop what ever they are doing to laugh.
I raised my leg about to jump and i realised i cant do it anymore, hence i kicked down the hurdle, waited for it to fall and ran across it. The sight was hilarious, very cartoon. Not something that you will see in the Finals of a Athelatic Meet.
Eventualy i got into the fifth position. Was so happy that i was able to complete the race. Oh! did i mention that there are only 5 runners participating?
Its another 30 mins when the 400m began. The initial plan of mine was to jump over the first 5 hurdles and i'll start to fall down at the 6th or 7th and will kick down the last few. Nonetheless, I ran, jumping over every single one. And this time, i wasn't the last.
Once again, i've proved myself that i can do anything, so long as i set my mind to it.
|[ zofz | 7:49 PM ]|
Sunday, April 16
In many cartoons i watched when i was very young, they always potray the typical scene of a supporter telling the hero (who is about to die) to have courage to continue fighting the enermies. To me then, courage is just to carry on fighting. In short, so long as you can fight you have courage.
It was yrs later i realised that courage is not just about being brave to fight against others. It is more to that.
To defeat yourself. 'Courage is to being able to defeat yourself, to fight the part of ourself which we hate' i thought. I've spent around 2 yrs doing so. Stalemate i must say. Its not before long that i found myself wasting my life away, in a way i've lost...
To defeat yourself is to know the way, its not courage.
Not long after, i realised.
Real courage is all about being able to face yourself.
Soon, i found myself having the strength to do anything, having the feeling that i can do anything now.
That is why i'm not scared of doing anything anymore.
This is the moment that i feel like crying and smiling at the same time. The feeling to face myself to tell myself, "you can cry now" or "you can smile all you want"
There is a name for this moment,
the name is courage.
have courage
|[ zofz | 6:27 PM ]|
Saturday, April 15
Feel so happy
It has been one week since i'm feeling exceptionally happy. Have been grinning to myself for no reason until those peopl around me were asking whats wrong with me...
Perhaps its the post food poisoning incident that made me realised how many people care abt me. Perhaps its the depression period i had from time to time, that made me stronger or should i say made me appreciate every good things that happened to me even more. And during that period i'm glad there are people who are there for me.
"Call! and i'll be there" There are people who came down to find me to make me feel better upon my call. And even when they cannot come down, they would chit chat with me on the phone to talk abt silly things to make me feel better.
I love them so much.For in a way, they saved me from myself. I've made a promise to myself that if any of them come asking for my help, i'll help them in anyway i can, no question ask! (actually the promise for helping others upon being ask has already implemented long ago, but it was due to a perfectionist reason which i realised is impossible to happen)
So any problems? call Me! *applicable to my fans only
Rmb my previous post abt my unit having reconfiguration and me having a new direct boss? and the post abt 'names is the first love that any parents can give'? Combining this two together, i must announce that i've been loved by my boss!! hahaha! (suddenly reminds me of those boss and secretary relationship in the movies)
I'll wait things to become permanent first before announcing it openly.
Well, i hope things will stay this way.
|[ zofz | 5:09 PM ]|
Friday, April 14
Good Friday surprises
Today is good friday, a day i'm intending to stay at home the entire day and not to be bothered by things from elsewhere. The time now is 12pm exactly.
For the past 12 hrs I've been receiving phone calls and messages from people i've never expected to hear from, news i'm not expecting and at awkward times.
time:0035 hrs From: Ganesha Mode: phone call
he called at this hour. On normal days i would have been asleep, but i was on the comp when he called. He sounded different, sounded horrible. Why? troubled with his love life. Apparently he is into a relationship which will not work out. In terms of character wise, religion and motive... in all aspect. It really amused me to see how a few months old relationship can make someone like him to become so miserable. Perhaps, unlike me, he already put in all his effort into it, plunged into it i must say. His time and money. And when things start to backfired, he became hesitant to continue or to stop. He blamed me that i cannot be a good psychologist to make him feel better. Hey! i'm already running short of ideas to make him feel better after chatting with him for 1 hr!! haiz.. As much as i admired him for daring to love and hate, i still think its a right thing for me to hold back , at least until after army. I don't want to be in his shoes. Till then, all my fans do wait for me... haha
Time:0846 hrs From: nick (my boss) mode:2 x sms + phone call which i didn't pick up
Awaken by his sms. Saw his name on the sms and thought its something regarding the camp that require my expertise. I continue reading. "help me buy 4d...." i was like -_- and -_-## upon seeing the first sentence. He woke me up on GOOD FRIDAY so that i can buy 4D for him??!
The numbers and bets he made added up to $56. Adding up with the winning ticket i bought for him yesterday for $14 (out of my own pocket first). The total is $70, the amount of winnings he should be getting. So basically, he used all his winnings from previous day to bet on more...
The rate of me winning for him is like 3 out of 5 times. Thats why he prefers me to help him buy. Perhaps 4d and toto are the only topics me and my this boss can talk abt.
Time: 1100 From:yk Mode:sms
He forwarded a sms to me. "... course mate father... murdered overseas... wake tonight.." (some details are censored to protect identity) I suddenly felt numbed. I started to count the number of friends whom parents had already died, and the wakes i've went for them. Felt so uncomfortable, decided not to go for it.
I can start to make statistic i think, so far all my friend's father who died were unnatural while mothers where all due to illness. It reminded me of a friend who wanted her father dead... ... But will anyone be happy? hmm..
|[ zofz | 12:03 PM ]|
Post food poisioning syndrome
oh my oh my. I'll grow fat if i don't stop with my existing diet. Whats my diet? imagine going to secret receipe and ordered 6 different slices of cakes worth $30 total for dinner, going pasta mania for a large bowl of pasta (worth $10) for lunch... yah thats what i'm talking abt...
ITs just the post food poisoning syndrome lah. I've not eaten for 4 days last week! so it will be ok if i repay the debt, i think. But thats breaking my promise for spendng less than $10 a day on food...
All secret receipe's fault. Lets recall 1)marble cake 2)banana walnut 3)chocolate mud 4)mocha with nuts 5)white chocolate 6) cant rmb...
How sinful... ps i've spend $446 during the past 2 weeks already...
|[ zofz | 12:30 AM ]|
Wednesday, April 12
3 nice guys
ITs a sooner or later thing that i'll be posting this up to comment of some shi fei on 3 people whom have been with me for the past 8 months and will be with me everyday for the next 7 months or so.
First off is WK!! wk is the most simple minded out of the 4 of us. And because of that, he successfully irritates me from time to time to the extent that i actually lost control once and attacked him. And because of that, even when i'm scolding him sarcastically, he doesn't get the point. Nonetheless, simple minded is not a bad thing, at least there are times i can have silly, unsubstance, childish conversation with him which is a good thing. Becuase he is simple, i feel more comfortable with him then anyone else. Less scheming, i would say, he will not find a way to make use of you. Wk is always troubled with bgr and is kinda despo, poor thing. I think his main problem is that he is too thick skinned (in a good way its strong willed), but girls usually like guys who are not so stubborn. It took me months before i can really see the good points of wk (correction: it took me months before someone so observant and sensitive like me to see the good points of wk), lets hope fate allows him to find someone who likes the way he is!
next is NV! nv knows what he wants. He set his own priority and so long as things are not in his "to do" list, he will not make the least effort to complete it. And probably because of that, he is not ashame of people saying that he is doing the least work among all of us. Cos he knew all along such comments are secondary, he would rather spent more time to settle things that according to him to be more worthwhile. He is capable but just lazy. Everyone is! or should i say unwilling to make the extra mile to do things that is not impt eventhough they are under your responsibility. And that made him the most unreliable among all of us. Certainly because he set his priorities right, i believe he will go far. But whether he will be happy or not is another thing for i forsee those around him in the future will be as practical as himself.
Lastly it will be yk !! yk is the mixture of the two i must say. being clear of what he wants while keeping himself pure and simple, unpolluted be the negative things around. He do things because its his responsibility so much so that its an obligation for him to do stuff whether he likes it or not. We shared many things in common personality and behavior wise. Perhaps its due to the same dilect group that all of us behave so? hmm...
(too tired now,i'll continue this next time)
|[ zofz | 11:43 PM ]|
白发魔女 (lady with white hair )
Tonight is a fullmoon, reminded me of something that happened exactly 1 month ago. As promised myself, i'll write unhappy things on sand while happy things on stones so i'll just briefly write about it.
The incident reminded me of the story, the Lady with white hair. Many people knew abt this character, but only those who really read the story will know how come her hair turned white.
The story is something abt she finally met the one she loved. For her love, she was willing to leave the demonic sect but accepting her punishment of walking on a fire patha and get beaten by the fellow members. After being together with the guy, she wanted him to promise that he will trust and believe her no matter what. This was simply because the lady was an orphan since young, growing up with the wolf, she was named as wolf girl and because of her bad name many doesn't trust her..
Certainly in any sect, the sect leaders wanted her dead for betraying her sect. Since the 'punishment' didn't kill her, they plotted something between the lady and her love.
Can't remember what exactly happened, but the lady last words are,"if you believe me, come with me!" "I can't believe you" said the guy (and did something bad to the lady)
The lady was in shock, she trembled terribly and started screaming,"why don't you believe me?!" With that, her hair turned all white! Tada!
I think she very sad lor, all she ever wanted was someone to believe her. Actually is not anyone, its someone that was very impt to her to believe her. That the guy listened to the demonic people instead... how sad..
|[ zofz | 11:23 PM ]|
Sunday, April 9




 i always know that i'm a good photographer.. that was why photography was one of my choice of CCA when we were to choose.
These were taken last week during my trip to malaysia!
|[ zofz | 6:04 PM ]|
benji, the dog with no tail
got to know abt this dog named benji. Its just like any other dog just that it does not have a tail. "you all cut away the tail har?" i asked bluntly to the handler "no, his mother bit it off," he replied quickly, as though he has been through similar conversation serveral times.
the mother must be very hungry...i thought at first. Well its just so me to link everything with food..
"his mother thought that it was the umbillical cord so she bit it off," he explained clearly..
I was like 'oh my benji doesn't have a tail since birth... poor thing..'
|[ zofz | 5:55 PM ]|
Saturday, April 8
1,2,3 seperate!
'1,2,3 seperate!' These were the last words jb, yc and me said after our get together today, and we walked towards 3 different directions at a bearing of 120 degrees after that. It'll looked kinda cool if that scene is filmed... ...
Today is the only day in this 1 month or so that i didn't get to see any of my campmates. Not that i dislike them or so, its just that seeing them made me think of unit and unit made me think of work and work just means WORK!! Even if we were just hanging out with my campmates to have fun, it wouldn't be THAT FUN if we constantly bring out camp stuff to talk abt.
That is why i have this outing today with the orignial agenda of "doing nothing today" We ended up going to jb's place to play monopoly and battleship. Then we started walking around our favourite place for the next few hrs or so. Don't know if its coincidence or wat, we managed to bump into 2 guys from our primary school, xc and wc, at different times.
Perhaps they are the only two person in this world whom i can really feel comfortable working with and be true and be myself. How i wish i still live in tp, then we can visit one another every day!
We made a pact to meet up every month to go out to relax just before our '1,2,3 seperate'. Something to look forward to every month!
|[ zofz | 10:23 PM ]|
Friday, April 7
Alcohol will cure any illness!
Thursday, Engineer's Day! Dinner and Dance at MOS! All Commanders are invited!
I frowned upon seeing the word 'invited' written on the notice board. In army, things are always presented so nicely and civilized. Of cos u don;t see anyone posting, "All Commanders jolly well attend!" Anyway, this made my total trip to club to 3! Hurray!
We reached there at 3pm. Yes, reaching a club at 3 pm. We started helping out with the making of polling boxes.Then I found myself helping out here and there during the entire event. Its till the point that i was asking myself,' i vaguely rmb it was just yesterday i was laying in bed unable to move or even think properly..."
It was around 7pm when the event started. I found myself having difficulty in swollowing any food there. The food are all super dry and my throat was in pain. I ate 3 wanton and a few cakes for dinner that night. suddenly, CM came and offer us a cup of cannberry wine..
My throat was so pain that i just wanted something to drink, anything. It started off with just one slip. My throat felt better. Then a mouthful. My throat became better. Then a glassful....
i stayed longer than i planned, cos we suddenly got alot of coupons to have free drinks...
Mother's traditional medicine: alcohol will cure any illness!
|[ zofz | 1:43 PM ]|
If i've not eaten that Ba Chuo Mee yesterday, it will be a record for NOT been eating for the past 4 days! For now, my record is just "not been eating for 3 days!" *Clap Clap.. Cheers!
It all started since monday after my work at city hall. I came back camp at 8pm. Zw and yg didn't book out that night. I started having diarrhea.
At first i was thinking most prob cos today didn't eat anything, thats why got indigestion yah... as if didn't eat anything got any link with indigestion. It was around 5 mins later, sx came back with a waffle cheese. Since food is the cause, i helped myself with the delicious creamy cheese pancake. It took around 30 mins before i vomitted everything out.
yes yes something's not right i told myself. Its as though some mechanism inside is not working, just that i can't figure out whats wrong.And i started having frequent trips to the bathroom... It was around 9pm that the rest realised my weird behaviour. All were convinced that i was having food poisioning (hey they are the medics) and persuaded me to go report sick.
"Report Sick? Since when i'm sick?" i told them stubbornly and even ran away saying, "if u can catch me then bring me there lor!"
One of the things i dislike is to be labelled 'sick'. I ran back to my bed and tried to sleep, hoping it will just go away. Nonetheless, the more i slept the more my head started to spin till the extent i need to make another vomit trip. And this time was the start of the more serious syptoms. YL and Fab were in the toilet and they saw the entire disgustingly disgusting scene of me vomiting every single drop of waffles that i had just churnned in my stomach. It was so serious that they rush back to my room to wake up my medics to attend to me.
It was around this time when mother replied the sms i sent earlier on, she said,"sister also diarrhoea"
.. things started to become blurry here... can't rmb much.... The next thing i rmb was sx and yg brought my to changi general hospital for my treatment. And a bad bump on my head when i ran straight into the wall..
Next morning, i was at home... everyone in my family except father were having my syptoms... i always know i lead the trend...
|[ zofz | 1:13 PM ]|
Saturday, April 1
broken hearted
We were packing up our storeroom yesterday morning. I was cut at my chest around my heart area by the sharp edge of one of the ops box. The cut was deep, even deeper can reach rib cage and into my heart. The cut was just like those scars ladies who been through breast implants. However, according to Gu the scars are much lower (i wondered how come he knows)
Got back home in the afternoon and mother used the best medicine for wounds "青草油”to attend to the wound. To those who applied this before, will know the sensation of this oil. Nonetheless, I laughed my way through. Mother commented that i must thank her for using this oil to tend my wounds since young. In a way, she was the one who trained me to have such high endurance of pain. "You were laughing all this while, you must be enjoying" she said. She knows i enjoy the feeling of pain afterall... ..
|[ zofz | 1:51 PM ]|
Everyone in the family is so excited abt our trip to malaysia to clean grave tml. It was to the extent that upon me reaching home on friday, mother was already folding the deathnotes/hell note, to 'topup' its value. And it was an entire big bag.
My brother came back from school an hr after me. He sprained his ankle and lost his contact lens which he only worn for 5 days. In short, he had a rough day. (i myself also got injury that day but i'll put this up on the next post). He sat down and started complaining abt his luck, that things he just bought tend to break easily or lost or something bad will happen. Certainly ,it sounded awfully family, guess it runs in the family..
It was then they (mother and brother) started talking abt names. On how names can affect one's luck. Of cos, this is something i don't believe as its so silly to blame on the name just because something bad happened. Anyway, they dug out the same old conversation of our names was already thought and given to us and was engrave on my grandmother's tombstone more then half a century ago.
Our names follow the generation sequence, meaning for my generation i must use this word in the name and another word for the next generation.(and i just learnt that the singer, alan, is two generations below me) But for some reasons the name we are having now is not the one engraved and suppose to have. Thats why brother was suggesting if he change his name, his luck will be better, he hoped.
As for myself, I kept quite all these while, thinking. I'm always fasinated by chinese names that are interesting and unique. These names are specially thought of. The number of stokes and character and its pronouncation and its meaning, are taken under consideration. The name is the first gift and love that any parents can give. As long as you have a name, you are special. That was why i always called my friends by his chinese name eventhough they have given themself english names. As simple as that.
so once again, 大家好,我是谭腾达。
|[ zofz | 1:15 PM ]|