Gliding through with eternal flame, who will keep it sane?
Rooted on the ground, watching over all year round
Very tenacious and danger prone person, don't come near me, will pull you down or unfortunate events will befall, whichever is earlier.
I know what i want, has my own set of rules and tend to think 3 steps ahead. checkmate!
People say that i think simple, thats what i want them to think or perhaps whats what i am. Things tend to be simple when u have your own rules and mindset, don't you think so?
I like to get things done, and believe that the best way to do so is to do it by yourself. I only believe myself.
I perfer to think problems I encountered as a kind of game or performance, with me being the spectator asking both the players, 'what will you do?'. Things are much easier to solve if you are not involved, and the process is much more enjoyable, doesn't it?
Like maths, hate politics. Maths is the only thing that seems logical nowadays. Somesay politics is a kind of maths, mathematically speaking.
I only hesitate when i'm uncertain of being able to complete the task perfectly. And in a way, creating more problems by not trying. That is something i'm working on, hopefully.
I only hang around with people i feel comfortable with, and will not even talk to those otherwise... unless it is necessary for me to achieve my goals that is.
Someone once said,'curiosity doesn't kill the cat, boredom will'. Thats why when i feel like doing something, i'll do it, in my own pace that is.
Live dangerously with me... ...
previous items
so long, good bye
gone to a better place...
ben (奔)
All i wanted....
darkness dreams
oh my! oh my!!
decision... choices choices
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Monday, November 28
Went out with gh and friends a few months ago. It was the usual mini 2103 outing to play sports and to watch movie. It just so happened on that day we wondered to kinokuniya and ended up reading books.
We came across a book call "self hypnosis", in which i am suppose to read the words from the book and 'close my eyes and relax the entire body'. By reading those words, i will be able to self hypnosis myself, to convince my subconscious to do the things i wanted.... blah blah blah....
We were reading and reading, couldn't stop laughing on the things we can hypnosize ourselves in doing. Have a sudden impulse to try it on myself later, that is if i can still rmb the instructions.... ...
|[ zofz | 7:21 PM ]|
accident again
Suddenly rmbed that i almost got knocked down by 2 cars ,coming from opposite directions last fri, yes once again. I was around mindef then. It wasn't my fault to be on the road, really. All thanks to the one who has the lowest reputation in our platoon. I guess i'll be the laughing stock if anyone finds out that my close death incident is directly due to him... ...
|[ zofz | 7:15 PM ]|
Sunday, November 27
anthony and bob
Yesterday, I've made a discovery of a lifetime.
It has been close to 4 months since i'm in the unit. All these while, i've been wondering who is anthony. Though i've heard that he is the boss from other department, i've never seen him before.
Whereas my boss's boss, in a way my boss. Whom i've never spoke to before, eventhough he has been appearing almost everywhere in camp. His name is bob which i've forgotten to mention. I thought i was hearing things when i vaguely heard someone saying that bob was having overseas leave, yet the next moment i saw him chatting on the phone along the corridor.
Yesterday i was on duty. Reading the duty forcast, i learnt that anthony was on duty as well. So i waited patiently beside the door for his arrival so that i can at last see his face. At last he appeared. All my questions were answered at that moment. Anthony and bob are actually two different person who looked 92% alike. It was so funny to think that he was my boss everytime i see him along the corridor.But the thing is, i've never seen them two together before. i wonder why... ...
|[ zofz | 10:42 AM ]|
Friday, November 25
Someone asked me few days ago, what flowers i like?
My knowledge of flowers is limited. I was scanning through my mind of all the flowers i knew and came to a conclusion of sunflowers.
I always like sunflowers even before i get into school. When mother was teaching me of all the common flowers like lily, hibiscus, roses, morning glory etc, I found sunflower being the most unique.
"They turn to face the sun" "bright orange like the sun"
Sunflowers always give me a feeling of being happy, joyful, friendly....
I'll write more about sunflowers when i'm more alert later....
|[ zofz | 2:06 AM ]|
medic problems
Went out running with my medic. I was running at my worst condition as i ran 5 km earlier on. Ended up we were running at the same pace. That was the first time he really shared his personal life and problems with me. Everything seemed to make sense.
Why he was so hesitant to go out with me to either watch movie or eat dinner, why he prefered to go back home everyday, why... (there are some stuff i don't want to reveal cos it involves things that may led him into trouble, afterall this is a public blog)
He is saving up for his university education. Mechanical Engineering, my third choice for subjects. He is all alone for this path. From the things he had done to do so, i can conclude one thing-- he is desperate.
I always thought that he was joking whenever he asked around if anyone wanted to rent a room in his place. I always thought he is playing hard to get when i tried to pull him to go out with me. The thing is, there is nothing i can do to help him... ...
The other problem he is facing is that he had been "eaten". Eaten to do more work than other medic. I had wondered how come he was always the one who have been doing the admin work like clearing the rubbish, drawing the keys. He gets things done, perhaps that was why others "choosen" him. But the thing is, they are suppose to rotate the job,yet it had been him all these while that is doing all the work. Then he also told me of the people whom 瀵逛��璧� him during his stay. Well substantiate. I also experience it myself.
While he was sharing his problems, he was unconsciously changing his rage into power. And he actually ran faster and faster everytime he stopped talking to catch his breath. If he mantain that speed, he can confirm get gold for his fitness test.
I promised myself i'll help him in anyway i can... ... i will
|[ zofz | 1:39 AM ]|
did i ever mention before that i have been attending tennis lessons for the past few weeks?
Well, today was the last lesson. We played doubles and my team was the best. Its quite interesting to see people from different background and age group getting to know each other because of a common sports they are interested and enjoy. Not only that they are working out, but also building up bonds in an enjoyable way. Thats the beauty of sports, thats why i always like sports. We chatted till 1130pm just now. Discussed about outing like kayaking, night riding etc etc. Just as i thought i'll be stranded at bedok, i managed to catch the last train from bedok. And just as i tot i'll be stranded at jurong east, i took the last train from jurong east to cck. And same goes with the bus to my home. I believe it is a good sign.
Looking forward to level 2 tennis course..
|[ zofz | 1:22 AM ]|
Monday, November 21
i love science
Went out with jk today to the Science Centre for Star Wars Exhibition~!
Yes, the main event was the exhibition, but we ended up playing with the rest of the normal science works most of the time. They were simply too fascinating~! We were welcomed by those optical illusion pieces which we played for an hr. It was around 2pm that we went in the exhibition hall.
Everything was so cool. The display, the photos. We took quite afew photos with my trusty 3230. I'll post it up once i get hold of the dku2 cable. The tour ended with "jedi gym" a place inwhich we can "train" our reflex, mind power etc etc. There is this interesting device which attracted many. two people have to site opposite side of the table, a small ball is on the centre. Both players are to wear a special band on their head. The band was to detect your brain wave, amplifying it into some energy which can move the ball. The one who was thinking more will be able to move the ball towards himself. jk and me competed. It was a tie for the first few sec, until and boy (ard 7-8 yrs old) came beside me and tell me to "think of me killing him, think of me poking him", he said it in such a funny manner that i couldn't resist but to laugh and laugh and laugh.
Then something weird abt jk i've realised. We were playing the electic device to measure the amount of electric energy your body have. I being normal, gave a positive result upon me placing my hands on the device. Whereas jk's showed nothing, no deflection of needle whatsoever. Another device is to measure the internal body resistance, same effect still... ... I vaguely rmbed playing some device with him when we were in sec school, then leonard was like giving explanation like hair creat more static...etc...
I'm glad i'm at the centre today.
|[ zofz | 12:30 AM ]|
Sunday, November 20
my juniors
have i ever mentioned that i've supporters aka my juniors back in sec school? They are one of the things that i was proud of back then...
Some of them msg me from time to time after my graduation. Till now. Today itself got another two approached me (one via calling my home, other by email). Was sharing they experience to me about the next 3 yrs in secondary school which i've missed out. I'm glad i gave them a good start back then, giving them the advice needed for them to last throughtout. So touched to hear from them. I guess that is a feeling all teachers and mentor felt when they have changed the lives of their people for the better. Or even to become someone they can be proud of, and wouldn't be embarressed by telling the whole world that "hey~! they are my juniors/students whom i've taught before)
One of them invite me to go kayaking this coming friday, really hope that i can go. This junior came for my concert last year. Shouldn't disappoint him... ...
|[ zofz | 7:04 PM ]|
Saturday, November 19
seeing double
suddenly rmb of something that happened last last week, friday to be specific, when my ex classmates and i went out to cck lot 1 to have dinner.
Things goes like this: we agree the day before on msn to meet up at cck lot 1 at 545pm that friday. "We" includes : jb, jc, jk, eu and half yc
As the place was nearby, i've reached the place at 530pm, that was when jc sms me to say that he has arrived. Since we were early, i msg him to tell him to "play hide and seek with me at lot 1, i'll hide and you seek"
It is around 5 mins after that i saw "him" wearing a brown shirt lookin here and there for me, i ran away from his sight after seeing him. It was around that time that he sms me saying "Lot 1? i tot it is at woodlands?" Of cos i'll assume he is trying to trick me to reveal my location and stuff. So i play along "then come back to lot 1 lor, i'm still hiding. i don't hide so far. you wearing brown". To hint that i saw him already. (he replied saying that he is really at woodlands, but i don't believe him)
It was another 10mins later when ec arrived. He was not game enough so he waited at the mrt for the others. It was then i saw "jc" in the brown shirt, drinking softdrinks. So i send again "i'm very thirsty also, you go mrt find ec, you two come find me"
Ended up: it was around 555pm that ec saw jc coming out from mrt. Apparently, ec gave the wrong location to jc. JC WAS IN WOODLANDS CAUSEWAY POINT. The thing is during that period (530-555pm), he really bought softdrink and drank it. He was wearing the exact brown shirt i saw.
Another similar incident happened in camp last tue, though i don't have evidence to prove my claim for that....
|[ zofz | 12:46 PM ]|
Friday, November 18
medic theory
For those whom i share alot with, you will know that i have a medic under me. He is so called my "man".
First thing first, eventhough his size is slightly bigger then yc, he is actually 3 yrs older then me. Oldest among all the nsf in the group. He is a very direct person and wouldn't change his mind when he decided on something. I persuaded him to go out to play or/and eat from time to time, but he always refused. Probably he don't want to spend money. Saving up money like me.
Nevertheless, when it comes to doing work. He is undeniably the best. Just like me, he will go all the means to ensure his role and job scope is fulfilled, even if he has to go under the hot sun to complete it since all the shady area are occupied or wake up early in the morning just to help me clear my rubbish. Was so touch that i decided to abolish my original plan to force him to serve me tea and massage me every morning.
He is a super slow runner. Decided to use his pace to run with him. Ended up sweating even more then my usual lightning speed. his theory "when you run slower, 1) you have to use more energy to control your steps. 2) you will have to run more steps in order to complete the same distance. 3) you will have to take a longer time to run the same distance, hence spending more energy"
My medic is the best... ...
|[ zofz | 4:40 PM ]|
i always like exercise. Cos if i go for exercise for a few days, that means that i will not be other where else. That means that i will not have the urge to see things to spend. In addition, all meals will be provided hence i wouldn't need to spend a single cent! And since i wouldn't need to spend, i will save up alot of money.....~!!!!
alot of money to spend... ...
|[ zofz | 4:37 PM ]|
Sunday, November 13
june paper
helped ganesha with physics today. Taught him topics like kinematics, forces and momentum. The thing is that his physics paper one is tml. Yes, tml and here i was today teaching him the first few chapters of physics syllabus.
We had both agreed that it is too late for him to learn everything, considering he did not take physics during jc. We were preparing for his june paper and tml's paper will just be a learning expericence for him. Hopefully he can do well for those topics i've taught him.
He asked me if i want to join him to retake papers like gp next yr. i've yet to reply him... ... who knows? maybe i'll get 4 As? hmm.... ...
|[ zofz | 10:04 PM ]|
bloody day
before i forgot, this morning was a bloody day.
Went for blood donation this morning, everything was as normal until towards the end of the session...A man was bleeding profusely at his arm entered the donation room. He left a pool of blood on the floor and left a trail of blood from the cafe nearby through the registration room to the donation room itself. If not for the plastic bag he was holding onto, the mess would be worst.
Apparently, the bandage used was not tight enough to secure the needle wound and blood clotting was not successful. Blood flow like running water, perhaps evenmore then what he donated considering the distance he had moved. Really made me wonder if it is worth the risk to be donating for the free breakfast.
But of cos this is not the case, as someone who is kind and warm hearted, i should help in anyway i can other then donating $$...
|[ zofz | 12:38 AM ]|
Saturday, November 12

 went for mother's concert today. Come to think of it, this is the first time i actually went down to witness her performance after she numerous apperances.
Most of the time it was at home with me giving her comments and hitting the tempo and guiding her with the rythms. Her actual apperance is much better then the one shown. Her hair is dyed dark red (something like the singer ) with glitters. Wearing her usual black attire, she sang her best songs. Of cos with me encouraging the audience, it is no wonder the mc was commenting that she had the most number of supporters.... ...
|[ zofz | 11:57 PM ]|
Wednesday, November 9
oh my!!
saw someone ho looked like my senior,On Wah, whom i've not seen 4 2 yrs (or i think its her). but ended up asking if she is christina,a close friend of hers. of cos she said no and i tot i recog the wrong prson. banged my head on wall severl times uponrelising my mistake.
took a bus back home after that,saw a bangalah man wanting to cross the road. the thing is he took off his slippers to press the button 2 activte greenlight with his feet...... yah..
|[ zofz | 8:28 PM ]|
Tuesday, November 8
Can't sleep well for the past two days. (sun and monday) Then kept on having funny dreams for consective two days.
Sun: Went to camp at 1045pm and tried to sleep at 11pm. Ended up tossing and turning throughout. And even if i feel asleep, it was those 10 sec type and i regained consciousness almost immediately. Finally being able to sleep at 1am, my boss called my hp at 1.10am to ask me abt squash.... yah, i got my retribution. It took me about another hour or so to fall asleep once again. That was when the weird dream came.
Dreamt that someone very important and close to me died. Then we rode on a paper boat across a lake to do the prayers. (She always told us to spread her ashes into the river when she died). *Scene change*. I was then walking on a road then i kept on crying and crying and crying. For those who don't know me well, i've not cried for more then 10 yrs. Then whenever i saw someone on the road looking at me, tears will just flow and flow and flow... When i woke up, my left eye was aching till even now...
Monday: knew that i did not have enough sleep, hence slept at 11pm. Though conscious, i forced myself not to move and to sleep. That was when i fell into a trance state. My eyes were close and my mind is semi awake. I was able to hear those who were talking around me, but it was like in a dreamy state.
This time, i dreamt that i was laughing and laughing and laughing. Just because i went shopping with another someone (not as important and as close). We were commenting on some sliming device (those tied around the waist and it will vibrate to shake away fats) and the salesgirl was so jealous about my waist. The other someone said something about 15-15-15, while i said 15-25-15. Then we all went on laughing and laughing and laughing.
I know a vision when i see one. just hope its not some premonition or something bad... ...
|[ zofz | 11:54 PM ]|
Sunday, November 6
I've made a decision yesterday. The root cause of why i am saving up, and in need of money.
It was a decision i should have made 6 yrs ago. Just that I don't have the money then.
My destiny might be different now, perhaps i wouldn't even be here if i've done that several years ago. But still, its never too late to set things back to track. Going back to square one, and start from scratch once again. No doubt, money will be flowing away like running water. Its the path i've chosen. When the time has come, in the near future, i will.
|[ zofz | 12:46 PM ]|
Saturday, November 5
Checkmate! a word i will always say whenever i solve a maths question, got the upperhand in something and of course during chess. It feels so good just to corner someone or something, pushing them to desperate. *Bwahahaha. The initial title is actually just ���灏�������but apparently some big star used it for his song, so i made a slight change. (the song sounded very awkward no matter how i sing it, so most prob some changes will be made)
��ㄥ�����������涓����澶卞�讳����瑰�� ��兼唱涓���辫��涓诲�板�ㄦ淮 韬插�ㄨ����界��������娉� �����板�伴�俱��涓���㈤�㈠�广��瀹虫�����褰峰鲸������
�����界�������辨�╁凡蹇�浜� �����跺�归��宸叉病��崇郴 璺����������娌℃�����姘� ���娉���煎�搞����峰�ラ��������涓���炽����荤�°�����
�����界��澶╀娇�����剧��楠���茶�� 璐�蹇�������甯����涔���惧�����杩� 娆洪�����宸便�����涓轰��浠�涔�锛�
寰�椋�涓���堕����� ��煎�ゅ�哄��蹇�������姘�锛����瑕����涓�涓������� 灏卞��涓���烘父���锛����涓捐捣涓�妫� 灏�浣�涓����
娼���ラ�����涔�涓� 瀹�濡�琚������� ��������������� 绐���翠��榛����瀹�瀹�锛����涓捐捣涓�妫� 灏�浣�涓����
|[ zofz | 10:29 PM ]|
deception of beauty
deception of beauty, something i disgusted with. In complement with this song, i will be drawing my third art piece for the year... At times, i really wonder why people like to be so fake in front of others...This is the only song of mine that has english title as this is the only word that can bring my msg thru... the 3 by 3 words are to be sung in the melody of "masquerade", there was where i got my idea from in the first place...
Deception of Beauty
浠�澶╁��瑕�绌夸��涔�锛� 浠�澶╀负浠�涔����娲伙�� 浠�澶╀�����甯稿菇榛� 涓轰��浣�瑕�杩�涔����锛����
������涓����浣�杩�涔�搴�杩�锛� ������涓�浼�杩�涔���� 浠�澶╁ぉ姘�寰�涓���� 璇蜂��璁╄��楠���村��������娲�
���涓���� 瀵�涓�绌� 澶ф�垮�� 璐佃溅杈���� 浼�浼�瑁� ��������� ������锛�
���浼����浣������ㄦ�充��涔� ��㈠�疯��������浣�������������杩� ���涓���ラ��锛�涔����浜�
缇�涓�瀵规����ヨ�寸��涓�浜�浠�涔� 瀵�绌锋����╁凡灏辩����� ���������寮猴����辨�������� ��界�堕�f��娌℃��������
寰������� 濂藉����� 瀵逛����� 宸茬��杩���� 浣����璋� 涓���ラ�� 绾�娲����缇� ��板�������� ��i��浜�锛�
capture the deception of beauty...
|[ zofz | 10:05 PM ]|
Was so "inspired" today after the 绛惧�变�����For those who i've shared my thoughts and those who are following my post, you should know about my critics for her latest album. Finally feel like typing my lyrics down. Take that~! Maybe i should be norminated for the 4 prizes as well... -_-
绮惧僵�����跺�伙����村�����蹇���� 杩�涓�涓�������婊℃����ョ��������
绱у�����姘�姘�锛�寮���风����肩�� 杩�棰�妫�瀛�灏�浼���藉�ㄥ�����锛�
(涓���╋��涓�棰� 绛�瀛�灏�甯�浣�锛���板��涓�涓���瑰��锛� ���濂�锛�杩���烘父���涓���惰�╀�����濂�锛�瑕���� 涓�绱у����烘�����������)... chorus
���璋���藉�����������锛� ��堕�寸��绌挎��锛������寸�������� 璁╀�������扮��寰�涓�������锛�浣�涔�瓒e��杩���ㄣ��
���寰���������╋����兼��涓���诲垢杩� 浣�浜����澶哄�������藉�����褰���ャ��
绮惧僵�����跺�伙����村�����蹇���� 涓�������婊℃�������������� 绱у�����姘�姘�锛�寮���风����肩�� 璁╀�������颁��������锛�浣�涔�瓒e��杩����锛�
ps. i can only use the word 绛� to sub the correct word cos i really cannot find the actual one.)
|[ zofz | 9:32 PM ]|
Friday, November 4
reading back
Thanks to the "annoynamous" tagger, i went back to read through my past postings... Was practically laughing away upon seeing what i wrote, specially on people. It reminded me of the things I had done throughout the year and the people i've met. I'm glad i had this blog.
|[ zofz | 12:38 AM ]|
Thursday, November 3
mysterious tagger
I wouldn't mind having some stranger bloghopping and give a comment or two. This time, its someone i know who is challanging me to id who he is. One thing i couldn't stand is to be kept in the dark, no one does. Curiosity is human nature. I am determined to find out who is he~! I just pray he is not under the post "series of miserable people"
Four hints from his style of writing (assuming what he say is true) 1) "i'm your army friend, and found your blog." notice from this awkward sentence structure, most prob his english standard is somewhere around mine. Which such standard, he most prob is chinese speaking. (not helpful as all my close friends are so)
2) he found my blog. One of the few ways to find a blog with yourname on it is actually to type your own name on the search system. All my recent post are all typed using initials of people, that is to prevent them from searching their (cos i at times gossip people) and to protect their identity (since blog's rights had been such a issue nowadays) so only they themself or among ourself will know who i'm refering to. I didn't take that precaution while i was in btm and sispec.
3) "you mentioned my name. i'm happy for you and me." Two ways to interpret. one is that i've type something good, he meant it. two is that he is just being sacrastic, and purposely sent that tag. Hence, it narrowed down to 90% bmt friend and 10% sispec friend.
4) "call me when u find out who i am" He used the word "call" , not "msg" or "email" me. Implies that i've called him before or at least got his number. That is assuming the knows that i've changed a new number already, and those in bmt and sispec who knew abt my new number are those in my section or perhaps he had my old number.
Conclusion: *Weida *Chwan Soon lian hao? *Jian Qiang Yanghui TzeHo
|[ zofz | 11:45 PM ]|
post suntec x meeting with ym
Went back to cck after my tennis to pass ym something. It had been months since we met. That was why i tried pulling old classmates to join us. But eventually its still both of us. Sat in Mac for 45 mins without buying anything, so typical of me, as always.
She complaint that my blog is lengthy, compared to bz's essense... Reminded me of the maths teacher in aj, "to put the entire chicken into a bottle, esssense". But hey~! bz complaint before that my blog was so ns and lengthy, at least the ns part is reduced.
Chit chat for a while then she left liaoz. Rush back home, rushing to play maple story. Just as i said to yc abt wasting time on computer games, ym used the same reason to counter back. At times i really wonder, what will happen if i put both yc and ym together... ... So scary...
|[ zofz | 9:57 PM ]|
Secret level at Suntec
When to suntec city mall to play tennis this morning. Yes, suntec city for tennis. I was rather shocked when i was invited to go there to play. This was simply because after so many years that i've been down there, i've never seen a tennis court (with a swimming pool) over there.
The place was at level 4 at the building, and the ONLY means to reach there is via 2 particular lift that is rather secluded (other then the emergency exits). No one would ever find the lift if not brought to it by someone else . Taking the escalator is up and down 10 times is much easier then finding the lift, i think. Then even if u found the lift you will not know that whats on level 4 as the button is not labeled. (ie level 1:carrefour, shops. level 2:shops, resturant level 3: cinema, food court, level 4: -) Hence, normal people will not dare to go such suspicious level. In any case anyone gets into the level 4, they will still need a special card to scan on the door to go in (and out). The card is exactly those we used in njc to scan for attendance. Right beside the entrance door, there was a cleaner sitting on the bench "resting". I had been there from around 9am till 12pm, the cleaner had been resting here during the entire period. Hence, 1) the cleaner is a super slacker or 2) she is actually a security guard, posing as a cleaner to keep watch of the door.
Either way, we played tennis. Throughout the entire period, we were all afraid that our tennis ball will fly too high and fall from level 4 and hit the cars below. Fatal car accident due to tennis ball.... The ball eventually flew, thanks to me, but it landed into the swimming pool....
The two tennis court is seperated by a swimming pool. I really wonder how can anyone swim like that. It is like the 5 tall tall buildings are surrounding us. There were actually people sun tanning at the pool. Really wonder how our economy can run with people who work over there, watching free shows from time to time...
|[ zofz | 9:36 PM ]|
Went to ganesha's house to celebrate deepavali~! It was the first time i ever been to someone's house to celebrate deepavali. I was so excited about the entire stuff that i almost wanted to wear their traditional costume to visit.
We played with sparkles and lit candles. Something like what i always do during the mid autumn (which i got no chance to do this year). We had ganesha's neighbour children running about in the house, playing with Siti or Serina (their new rabbit which they have yet to confirm its name). Of course, i was there eating and drinking throughout. Free food, what to expect?
Watched a tamil movie with them till 12am plus. It is also the only tamil movie which i've watched throughout. It was really good. His father old me that the movie was a big hit in india that all the cinema was packed with people for full 200 days . The movie is a mixture of comedy, horror, detective, action, musical (as always). The main character who is a psychologist was doing detective work to find out who in the house was being possessed. Show started at 9pm, a full 3hrs.
|[ zofz | 8:33 PM ]|
Tuesday, November 1
snake and lizards`~!
yesterday was so exciting. There was a black splitting cobra which ran passed me. It was about 5 metres behind me when i heard people from a distance shouting "Snake Snake!". Turned my head behind and the snake was sitting on the fence, both literally and nonliterary. But soon ran away when i was staring it. Notice i purposely used the word "ran" instead of "glide", to emphasize how fast that moment was.
We had been warned before, we have this black splitting cobra lurking in our camp area. it can split poison up to 5 metre far.
But for jy i know she would rather have snakes then lizards cause she "is afraid of anything that crawls that is not on 4 legs", snakes glides not crawls.
|[ zofz | 11:56 AM ]|
divine wind
"Kamikaze (绁�棰� kamikaze) is a Japanese word ��� usually translated as divine wind ��� which came into being as the name of a typhoon that is said to have saved Japan from a Mongol invasion fleet led by Kublai Khan in 1281. In Japanese the word "kamikaze" is used only for this typhoon. In the English language, however, the word "kamikaze" usually refers to suicide attacks carried out by Japanese aircrews against Allied shipping, towards the end of the Pacific campaign of World War II. "
I always wonder, how can a word that symbolises how god sent in the wind to save an entire country can become a word of death. Got so irritated whenever i heard someone uses this word to describe terrorist and idiots. Base on this word, i had written before (though can't rmb the exact words) "God's sigh becomes the wind and travel through space, towards all life on earth..... Let the wind blow through your hair while you have the chance..." Then for the lyrics for my song "寰�椋�涓���堕����憋����煎�ゅ�哄��蹇�������姘����. All so nice things about the wind, and here i have "Since the end of World War II, the word kamikaze has been applied to a wider variety of suicide attacks, in other parts of the world and at later times" ... sickening...
|[ zofz | 11:26 AM ]|
healing touch x pressure points
Went to library last month with alan. borrowed two books which i was fairly interested then. One of them is about pressure points, it tells us about how different points in our body can be stimulated by adding pressure to relief or to promote recovery of ache, pains and make us feel better. (And i was hoping to find the pressure point which can "cut off the flow of blood from your heart to the brain and you can die in 30 secs"....)
The other book was about how our hands are able to produce some sort of energy field that under the will and with motive, it is able to heal others. At first it was rather interesting talking about how the energy field is scientifically known and electric field, meaning electic field can actually heal people, but its gets rather unbelievable to the point that the author (healer) said that she can at times read the minds of her patients and also have vision of the problems.... and the book goes on.. It continues teaching us how to induce this energy by "facing your palms together leaving a gap in between, concentrating your mind in between the hands and imagine a glowing ball of energy. Place your palm closer and feel that it is actually harder then you place it further as the force is resisting the motion..." blah blah blah... ...
All is left is acupuncture and afterthat i think i can go around touching and healing other people already. Seems quite easy going around poking people with needles. According to the my only friend who went for such therapy (uknoewhu u are), it is non bloody and not painful.
Actually, i initially borrowed the books to read up and to see if what i see in those ancient chinese kongfu drama contains some truth in it or not. Especially those transfering of "internal energy" by placing the palm behind one's back and by applying some pressure and immoblize the entire body. Wouldn't it be fun if i can go around immoblizing people i bu shuang with... ...
|[ zofz | 10:53 AM ]|