Thursday, October 5

What A MESS!!

(back date entry from 1st oct, sunday)

My initial plan was just to tidy up a tray on my table.
Then i decided to tidy up another one.
Since i'm already started tidying, i might as well tidy more and so i unpack another tray.
Before i knew it, i started to unpack all my bags (dated from my A lvl) and capboards and trays.

The entire floor became like this:

And just as you think the floor is full enough to get any worst.
Here comes my table....

and then bed

What a MESS!!
Was so frustrated with the mess i made during my intention to tidy the place up that i kept on running out of my room to escape the scene and ran back again because i knew something need to be done.

It took me more then 1 hr to clear as many things as possible. I gave up eventually as my juniors were waiting desperately for my ride back camp. I shut the door and warn every single one of my family that if they don't want to have a shock of a lifetime, do not go into my room! and left home. Even now my room is in this state! will start part two tml morning. i hope.

|[ zofz | 11:58 PM ]|

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