Friday, September 29

a little more things about me

Here is something more about me.

I'm always a very traditional person, cos i'm from a traditional family.

师, 育,维,英,增, 光, 家,国,永,庆,平,成。

(do use unicode to view the above)

For those who doesn't know, there are some family who uses a specific name for the member of each generation. It is to keep track of their own generation and bei1 fen4.

For me, i'm the 7th generation born under the moonless night during the 7th day of the 7th month. (sounds crappy, but its just so happen to be liddat)

so by right my name supposed to have to word ‘光‘ or in english 'light'.
Then my children will follow through with the name "家‘... so on and so forth.

As most would have known, the singer alan tam yonglin. His name contain "永’, if it follows the sequence, he shld be by right 3 generation my junior.

Perhaps that is why i kept on saying that i wanted to be the Light. And even things like 'i want to make myself shine even brighter than anyone else'. It sounds cool in a way ba.

And because my name is not what its supposed to be, i like it even more. ITs breaking away from the tradition i would say.
it made me so pround to tell everyone ,"大家好,我是谭腾达!”

|[ zofz | 10:33 PM ]|

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