Gliding through with eternal flame, who will keep it sane?
Rooted on the ground, watching over all year round
Very tenacious and danger prone person, don't come near me, will pull you down or unfortunate events will befall, whichever is earlier.
I know what i want, has my own set of rules and tend to think 3 steps ahead. checkmate!
People say that i think simple, thats what i want them to think or perhaps whats what i am. Things tend to be simple when u have your own rules and mindset, don't you think so?
I like to get things done, and believe that the best way to do so is to do it by yourself. I only believe myself.
I perfer to think problems I encountered as a kind of game or performance, with me being the spectator asking both the players, 'what will you do?'. Things are much easier to solve if you are not involved, and the process is much more enjoyable, doesn't it?
Like maths, hate politics. Maths is the only thing that seems logical nowadays. Somesay politics is a kind of maths, mathematically speaking.
I only hesitate when i'm uncertain of being able to complete the task perfectly. And in a way, creating more problems by not trying. That is something i'm working on, hopefully.
I only hang around with people i feel comfortable with, and will not even talk to those otherwise... unless it is necessary for me to achieve my goals that is.
Someone once said,'curiosity doesn't kill the cat, boredom will'. Thats why when i feel like doing something, i'll do it, in my own pace that is.
Live dangerously with me... ...
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Sunday, October 8
kayaking round ubin !!
I've always wanted to kayak to a far far away place. The sea will douse alway all my sorrows, the wind will dry up all my tears.... It is one of the few things that made me feel most alive and free.
Ubin would be far enough, i thought. But when i got to know that they are organising an expedition to malaysia, i knew that i must go for it, i have to.
Today is the training session for this expedition. We went one round ubin. As this is the first time i'm going for such things, i woke up 15mins earlier just to ensure everything is packed nicely.
I packed mooncake into the kfc's free tupperware, so i can eat it along the way. Packed in the water bottle which the unit gave during its birthday followed by the soap and shampoo which i took from shangri la. I brought along a small 'new paper big walk' bag to put my gear And the navy cap which i got from open house (other than that, the rest are all not free)
*REached there liaoz* When we were told that we will need to partner up for the doubles, everyone was rather unhappy. We were all trained and professional paddlers! its an insult for us to be in a double!! They valid they decision by saying its for the logistic Though most of them insisted on a single, i was approached by an old man to be his partner and so i just took the double.
That old man is a very experience paddler, he joined a club and went out to see every sat. The more he shared about himself, the more i feel safe to be with him. his name is gerald.
Ended up there are only 3 groups of double. 2 school girls, 2 old (experiened) man and us!
And off we go!
Being in a double have all the disadvantage we can think of (heavy, hard to control, unstable..etc), nonetheless gerald and i were the first to be leading the group. The two girls were the last, they cannot make it.
Gerald was nice enough to show me around the island, and he introdued me to his club which is called 2 degree north club. He introduced me to his friends (the two old man) who were all very keen of me in joining them.
Everything is smooth until 1 hr later. We were approached by the trainers for assistance. Apparently the two girls cannot make it already. They want the stronger paddlers to pair up with the weaker ones. And so, we repartner in the sea.
My new partner is jeniffer, or jessie or janice...can't rmb, so i'll just call her J for now.
With J around, i'm a nobody. As much as i'm used to doing 2 people's work by myself. Paddling is another thing. I litereally have to encourage her to paddle all the way.
"Dont give up!!" "JIA YOU!!" "We are reaching!! can u smell the nice nice food?" "we reached already , i give u a piece of my nice nice mooncakes!" "faster!! u very slow leh!!"
Phew! to think we manage to get to the lunch point. It was then i took out my mooncake, it was soaked in seawater. J was like -_- , all her efforts on paddling were for nothing.. (i eventually ate the saltymoon cakes when i got back home... yah)
The last few km was horrible, she didn't even want to paddle. And i was too tired to give any encouragement. We drifted away from the mainbody by ALOT. Made them have the impression that i'm very weak. My ex-partner with the other girl, lynn, were somewhere in the middle of the group. Gerald found it impossible to get infront of the pack without me.
I really hope they wouldn't pair me up with anyone of them during the actual expedition... PRAY pray... Mother heard my story and she became worry. "Dont pair up with girl! if u meet up with pirates will have a hard time running away! very dangerous! she will pull u back!"
When she said that, the movie tombraider just started and Laura was at the scene of doing some gymnastic stunt to get the sphere.
she continued,"if its her or me 30 yrs ago, then u can partner with girl"
|[ zofz | 10:12 PM ]|