Saturday, April 8

1,2,3 seperate!

'1,2,3 seperate!' These were the last words jb, yc and me said after our get together today, and we walked towards 3 different directions at a bearing of 120 degrees after that. It'll looked kinda cool if that scene is filmed... ...

Today is the only day in this 1 month or so that i didn't get to see any of my campmates. Not that i dislike them or so, its just that seeing them made me think of unit and unit made me think of work and work just means WORK!! Even if we were just hanging out with my campmates to have fun, it wouldn't be THAT FUN if we constantly bring out camp stuff to talk abt.

That is why i have this outing today with the orignial agenda of "doing nothing today"
We ended up going to jb's place to play monopoly and battleship. Then we started walking around our favourite place for the next few hrs or so. Don't know if its coincidence or wat, we managed to bump into 2 guys from our primary school, xc and wc, at different times.

Perhaps they are the only two person in this world whom i can really feel comfortable working with and be true and be myself. How i wish i still live in tp, then we can visit one another every day!

We made a pact to meet up every month to go out to relax just before our '1,2,3 seperate'. Something to look forward to every month!

|[ zofz | 10:23 PM ]|

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