Saturday, February 4

Loud music

Went for some security things few hrs ago. We were waiting for the event to end so i took out my mp3 player (free gift from safra * join for 6 yrs for just $112) to listen. Certainly as a friendly person, i offered yk to listen with me as well.

yk was taken aback as soon as i started playing the music as it was too loud for him. I suddenly realised what i had been doing subconsciously for the past few days. Playing those music louder and louder each passing day.

Actually it started during the period i was disgusted about myself, my mind was confused and i couldn't listen to what my heart was screaming to say. I put on the ear piece to hear the music to distract myself i suppose. Soon i played it louder and louder to the extent i couldn't hear what is happening around me. It was at that moment my world seemed to be ironically peaceful. It was as though the world ceased to exist, leaving only me and the music.
Been listening to full blast music for the past few days already.

Nevertheless, i know its not good for my ears. So i'm typing this down to remind myself not to be so silly again. Harming myself so that i can have a moment of peace. silly me.

yk is just like the bell... that will be my next entry..

|[ zofz | 12:37 AM ]|

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