Gliding through with eternal flame, who will keep it sane?
Rooted on the ground, watching over all year round
Very tenacious and danger prone person, don't come near me, will pull you down or unfortunate events will befall, whichever is earlier.
I know what i want, has my own set of rules and tend to think 3 steps ahead. checkmate!
People say that i think simple, thats what i want them to think or perhaps whats what i am. Things tend to be simple when u have your own rules and mindset, don't you think so?
I like to get things done, and believe that the best way to do so is to do it by yourself. I only believe myself.
I perfer to think problems I encountered as a kind of game or performance, with me being the spectator asking both the players, 'what will you do?'. Things are much easier to solve if you are not involved, and the process is much more enjoyable, doesn't it?
Like maths, hate politics. Maths is the only thing that seems logical nowadays. Somesay politics is a kind of maths, mathematically speaking.
I only hesitate when i'm uncertain of being able to complete the task perfectly. And in a way, creating more problems by not trying. That is something i'm working on, hopefully.
I only hang around with people i feel comfortable with, and will not even talk to those otherwise... unless it is necessary for me to achieve my goals that is.
Someone once said,'curiosity doesn't kill the cat, boredom will'. Thats why when i feel like doing something, i'll do it, in my own pace that is.
Live dangerously with me... ...
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Australia Trip!
I'm back
now in airport... flying soon... good bye~!
getting all excited
SP display
depression vs middle child sydrome
fabian's house
water polo
My desired happiness
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Monday, December 26
This morning... ...
Woke up at 10am this morning and found a bowl of birdnest soup on the dining table. Brewed by mother. Apparantly she found the box of birdnest occupying space so might as well consume it. Our house seemed smaller evensince we came back from our australia shopping.
Was eating and laughing to myself upon thinking back what jc had written in his blog recently... "one of it is the most expensive xie yan (blood bird nest??), which legend says is the nest spun my the male, and he really wants to make a good nest, so he spun and spun until he vomits blood that mixes into the nest, and hence its more nourishing and more expensive. But no, actually xie yan, she says, is red in colour and got its colour becauseof the chemical reaction of the limestone in which the nest is set on. The oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ that got mixed into the nest substance and make it red. So when u cook xie yan and eat it, you are actually eating rust. (which may be nourishing, who knows)"
For once, birdnest doesn't seems appealing to me anymore.
It was at this moment, the doorbell rang. It was a flower delivery man. 12 pink roses with a bear... I suddenly rmb that today is my sister birthday, not only hers, it was jc, mr neo, my 2 juniors and ty's as well.
I always find giving flowers. especially roses, a waste of money. Wondered why can girls be swept away by this un original act of receiving flowers... If i were to give flowers, i will perhaps find one or two by the road side or perhaps even grow them myself. Save money and more meaningful as well. Since when u see people making effort to roam along the road finding flowers? the thing is, i don't mind being on the receiving end though... haha
|[ zofz | 11:50 AM ]|