Saturday, December 10

fabian's house

Went to fabian's house for the first time today. Everyone who as been to his house before would say that his house is very big and i always wonder how big is it that made his guest go Wah and Woo... for days. While i must admit, his house is almost 3 times as big as mine. The pond in the center of the house contains several kios, each almost half of my length. His dog's kennel is the size of those normal hdb's living room. It takes his two maids to do the cleaning and maintanence of the house. YAh....

It is exactly the type of house "A perfect day" is depicting.

Yes, the house is nice, big and beautiful. Perhaps I may enjoy myself if i stay there for a day or two, but i know that i wouldn't be happy to live there. The place is 瀹芥����寸┖���锛�骞抽����村�����锛� �����ㄥ�村��瀵�姘���洪�ㄣ�������� ���������

I would be happy if my house is small but cosy, slightly noisy yet lively, restrictive but comfortable.... Maybe a room to keep all my books, another to put all my musical instruments, then i can read or write my book, play or sing my music all day long....Of cos the rooms comes with a comfortable armchair and is decorated with sunflowers and drawings. No, no dogs or any creatures. Certainly, a sport complex beside will be best, then i can go play badminton or swim everyday...

I remembered there was once during my german lesson when i was in sec 2, Frau tan wanted us to write an essay regarding Meine Tramhaus (my dream house). Frau tan was like saying 'i would want to have this house if it exist' after reading my essay. Can't rmb what i had wrote though, will post it up once i find it, shldn't deviate from what i written above by alot i guess...

|[ zofz | 1:20 AM ]|

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