Saturday, August 5

Stupid personality test

wk once again forwarded me one of those stupid emails. This time it includes a personality test thingy.

The results is as follows:
1) Priorities of life: career, pride, family, love, money

Quite hard to imagine that i've put my career and money at the two extreme ends. This just shows that i'm not doing work for money. Love and money are the least impt things at hand right now i guess.

2) The second question want me to think of a word that best associate with the given animal. And this is my result:

RAT-- disgusting =personality of enemy
CAT -- cruel= personality of partner
DOG-- smelly= my personality ?? dog really very smelly mah
coffee--bitter = how i interpret sex ?
sea -- magical = my own life

Then it asks abt who you think of upon seeing the following colours, the result is stupid and ridiculous that i refuse to share..

|[ zofz | 10:40 AM ]|

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