Saturday, July 8

Just another day

According to her, the day will just pass by like any other day.
But it certainly different. You are the one who shape your day. I made today a different day...

went out with the people i've been working closely with for the past 1 yr. Treated them swensen. Even though they have their flaw and problems which i felt rather irritated at times, they are the ones who were by my side all this while, and if i dont rely on them, there will be no one i can do so. They deserved the treat.

We rushed back to camp with the unfinished icecream cake cos we have commander's training.
I wasn't able to concentrate cos of the 'activiation' which stolen my sleep. BZ and nv both agreed that its so sweet of them to do such pranks. How thoughtful of them.
The only worry was the melting ice cream cake i left inside the not so freezing fridge. I shared the rest of the cakes with the rest of my platoon people. Everyone was so happy. Especially gu who ate like 3 slices without feeling ashame...

All the while, i kept on receiving msges. From my insurance manager and friends and stuff. All sending their regards. Its a pity i'm using my old phone else i'll need not to del old msges to make way for new one every few mins...I changed into my new shirt which was given to me as a present. It fitted just nicely.

went out to chevrons with yl to sing song. We chatted quite alot during the entire journey. I think i've amazed him with my thoughts. And i was rather surprise to hear that there are things and people we have similiar accessment of. Guess i wasn't the one who is critical.

I didn't know he is so unhappy with those people aroound him. "they have changed " They changed into someone he doesn't like... If i didn't talk to him, i wouldn't have known such changes actually happen. yl is another interesting people ive met. He was one of the many reasons why i made the decision last yr to be in my present unit. We have several similiar thoughts, i think we can become good business partner.

We sang with his friend, till the next day.

Will be meeting yc and jb later. this is getting more exciting...

|[ zofz | 1:29 AM ]|

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