Saturday, October 15

A Per fect Day

Bought her CD after the recommendation of jy. (actually its not recommendation lah, its cos my this offical dao ban shang refuse to sent me her's). Anyway, it turned out to be a little disappointing. Even Wj agreed that this new album is in pale with the one before and moments.

The main theme song for example. The first time i listen to the lyrics i was like -_-.
From the title, of cos we will expect 'a perfect day' is how we spent the day ie what we did and the events that happened. Instead, the songs was telling us how she wanted a big house with windows that allows the sunray to enter, hence warming her blanket. Then it continues saying how she want to have many rooms to put clothes, guitars, and to sleep, it ended of saying she don't know what to put in her many rooms.

That is like a 'want' thingy lor. That scene reminded me of the amyville house movie i watched last week. Its a horror movie about a big house, with many windows and rooms, similar to the one above....

then there comes what she do during her perfect day: 1) don't sleep at night 2) lying on the bed at day time 3) letting the dogs running about in the house.

Yah, its like yah. i'm not sleeping now, i'll be lying on my bed later. Just that i don't have a dog.

Seriously, if there is an edited version, it would be best if it can be changed to my previous posting, at least its not out of point...


|[ zofz | 1:21 AM ]|

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