Gliding through with eternal flame, who will keep it sane?
Rooted on the ground, watching over all year round
Very tenacious and danger prone person, don't come near me, will pull you down or unfortunate events will befall, whichever is earlier.
I know what i want, has my own set of rules and tend to think 3 steps ahead. checkmate!
People say that i think simple, thats what i want them to think or perhaps whats what i am. Things tend to be simple when u have your own rules and mindset, don't you think so?
I like to get things done, and believe that the best way to do so is to do it by yourself. I only believe myself.
I perfer to think problems I encountered as a kind of game or performance, with me being the spectator asking both the players, 'what will you do?'. Things are much easier to solve if you are not involved, and the process is much more enjoyable, doesn't it?
Like maths, hate politics. Maths is the only thing that seems logical nowadays. Somesay politics is a kind of maths, mathematically speaking.
I only hesitate when i'm uncertain of being able to complete the task perfectly. And in a way, creating more problems by not trying. That is something i'm working on, hopefully.
I only hang around with people i feel comfortable with, and will not even talk to those otherwise... unless it is necessary for me to achieve my goals that is.
Someone once said,'curiosity doesn't kill the cat, boredom will'. Thats why when i feel like doing something, i'll do it, in my own pace that is.
Live dangerously with me... ...
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hazards in the house
Love (edited on 23/9/05)
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Saturday, October 1
Please give me a surprise
Yesterday was the end of september. As the song goes "涔�������骞虫贰������锛�涓������藉ソ���娆�������", yes absolutely got into no trouble during the entire month. Nevertheless, things are getting monotonous these days, nothing seems to surprise me anymore. In simpler terms, boring. As someone once edited "Curiousity does not kill the cat, boredorm does". I really cannot stand doing nothing, eventhough part of me was telling me its a good thing to slack.
Been calling up or msg friends to vent my frustrations, people like ym, bz, jy, ec, jb, jc, yc.... etc were all my targets. From their tone, i guess that they were all annoyed and irritated. But come to think of it, thats what friends are for, i don't think they would mind.... haha
Yesterday went out with alan for dinner. Kept on pastering him before meeting him to give me some surprises to end off the week or month. Ended up we went to popular, ate dinner and the library (he used my account to borrow book, date due 21st oct). We seperated at around 840pm. Just as i was thinking that the month will end just like that, i met yc at the bus stop where i was waiting for bus.
It was the first time yc and i met in cck. He seemed very tired and said that he just booked out. He added on saying that he do not have enough sleep during these few days. So we ended up complaining of the work we had done these few weeks. He complaining how hard of him being an instructor, and me complaining how monotonous my lifestyle was. All the while, i complaint in a jokingly manner which made him felt that i'm mocking him. I told him long time ago that there are always people who envy him, what i didn't tell him was that i'm one of them... Because of him, i suddenly remembered that i've met jb and mr neo the day before and both were surprising encounters.
Deep down i know that this month of october will not be easy for me. And i will be expecting the unexpected. It will be fun.
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ps: happy children's day~!!~
|[ zofz | 3:25 PM ]|