Friday, July 1

oh dear~!

Just read through my past postings and realised that most of the post during the past month were quite depressing. Surely, most people will tend to take note of the unhappy things happened and will overlook of the cheerful events.

Many friends in sispec told me that they find me to be a very positive, joyful person. Seriously, i always believe that the world is a fun and lovely place. No doubt at times anyone could have feel lost, and demoralised, or is it just me? But i'm sure it is just once in a blue moon.

Certainly, there are serveral fun and exciting events that happened during this month which i've yet to take down. To name a few, was the time we had nights off and went arcade at AMK, 6 people taking turns to play the drum set which each one in charge of one drum. Embarassed but memorable. Another one was the time i've been selected to be the PT i/c. Now almost everyone in the course know who i am, such a pity that i still don't know most of them. Its so fun to be popular and famous as always.

Sometimes, i really wonder why i'm wondering of those unhappy thoughts which made me moody whole day round. Its just so not me and against my value. Next week will be the most exciting week of soce, guard duty, cohesion night, birthday (hint hint). So many things around me, what more am i looking for? heh heh...

|[ zofz | 9:51 PM ]|

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