Thursday, November 3

mysterious tagger

I wouldn't mind having some stranger bloghopping and give a comment or two.
This time, its someone i know who is challanging me to id who he is.
One thing i couldn't stand is to be kept in the dark, no one does. Curiosity is human nature.
I am determined to find out who is he~! I just pray he is not under the post "series of miserable people"

Four hints from his style of writing (assuming what he say is true)
1) "i'm your army friend, and found your blog." notice from this awkward sentence structure, most prob his english standard is somewhere around mine. Which such standard, he most prob is chinese speaking. (not helpful as all my close friends are so)

2) he found my blog. One of the few ways to find a blog with yourname on it is actually to type your own name on the search system. All my recent post are all typed using initials of people, that is to prevent them from searching their (cos i at times gossip people) and to protect their identity (since blog's rights had been such a issue nowadays) so only they themself or among ourself will know who i'm refering to. I didn't take that precaution while i was in btm and sispec.

3) "you mentioned my name. i'm happy for you and me."
Two ways to interpret. one is that i've type something good, he meant it. two is that he is just being sacrastic, and purposely sent that tag. Hence, it narrowed down to 90% bmt friend and 10% sispec friend.

4) "call me when u find out who i am"
He used the word "call" , not "msg" or "email" me. Implies that i've called him before or at least got his number. That is assuming the knows that i've changed a new number already, and those in bmt and sispec who knew abt my new number are those in my section or perhaps he had my old number.

*Chwan Soon
lian hao?
*Jian Qiang

|[ zofz | 11:45 PM ]|

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