Tuesday, November 1

divine wind

"Kamikaze (绁�棰� kamikaze) is a Japanese word ��� usually translated as divine wind ��� which came into being as the name of a typhoon that is said to have saved Japan from a Mongol invasion fleet led by Kublai Khan in 1281. In Japanese the word "kamikaze" is used only for this typhoon. In the English language, however, the word "kamikaze" usually refers to suicide attacks carried out by Japanese aircrews against Allied shipping, towards the end of the Pacific campaign of World War II. "

I always wonder, how can a word that symbolises how god sent in the wind to save an entire country can become a word of death.
Got so irritated whenever i heard someone uses this word to describe terrorist and idiots.
Base on this word, i had written before (though can't rmb the exact words) "God's sigh becomes the wind and travel through space, towards all life on earth..... Let the wind blow through your hair while you have the chance..."
Then for the lyrics for my song "寰�椋�涓���堕����憋����煎�ゅ�哄��蹇�������姘����. All so nice things about the wind, and here i have "Since the end of World War II, the word kamikaze has been applied to a wider variety of suicide attacks, in other parts of the world and at later times" ... sickening...

|[ zofz | 11:26 AM ]|

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