Tuesday, March 29

shao dream

Dreamt of Mr Shao yesterday night. (Mr shao was my chinese maths teacher that seen me through my 4 yrs in maris stella). Dreamt that he was very angry and disapppointed with me and was asking me something like "where has your light disappeared to?", in chinese of course. I interpretted that "light" was refering to my zestful and spirited self whom i used to be. Then in the dream, i tried to explain to him but Mr shao refused to listen. I supposed that i'm having this dream was because i am currently writing the chapter on Shao in my book. But really, the zest that i used to have had disappeared and i've been giving numberous reasons for that. Certainly, these reasons should not be considered as an excuse.... REally respect mr shao alot and missed him somehow. Maybe i unconsciously had that dream to tell me how i should be during my sispec life.

-- 3P, i.

|[ zofz | 7:46 PM ]|

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