Monday, February 21

Field Camp

Day 1 (monday)
4km route march to our camp site instead of 8 due to the short of time. Still feeling ok upon reaching. Seeing the camp site, really reminded me of the days in atc. It would be quite enjoyable and fun, i thought. First thing first, need to build basha. It was a funny sight to see how my buddy ordered me around just because he had been through the basha building session which i had missed. Obviously, he do not know who i was. In the end had no choice but to act blur once again to make him happy. For the first time i ate army combat ration. Mutton Curry pasta was the first one i ate and it was my favorite. Ended up squeezing every single bit from the green rectangular packet. Since then, it seemed to me that i got addicted to those green combat rations that i ate them before its allocated timing.
The valantine day was indeed romantic, my buddy and i were 'selected' to do the sentury. So while doing it, we were eating biscuits under the crescent moon in the starry night....

Day 2 (tue)
we did the 8 k route march finally. It was so sickening as the first 4 k was practically walking round and round in circles to clock for distance. The next 4 k was quite fun when we explore new terrain. I always believed that so long as u can make another step, u will be stronger then u were before ( that is y i put ben as my title). Apparantly, i can really see those people who were strong and those who were not. Brian had 6-8 big blisters which really shocked the instructors but he did not complain. Aber for 1308, he went round asking for plasters just cos of his leg (as though he was he only one with blister and leg pain). His statement for having to fall out was from blister to ankel pain.
It was the night that i will never forgot for Zhiyang who was doing the sentury fell and land onto my basha and landed onto me while i was in deep sleep. If both my arms were not pressed by him, i would have pinched that guy so hard that he would scream. The worst thing was his parter during his sentury was 1308, and he told zhiyang to quickly run away after doing such horrible thing.

Day 3, 4 (wed and thursday)
Basically we learnt many skills during this day. too technical to explain in detail and i think its quite classified also. hmm... At night, finally heard that "wildboar" julian had been talking abt, that wildboar was actually julian's "bestfriend" , Haosiang, who snored so loud that it became so scary. Giggled for a while and went back to sleep again.

Day 5 (fri)
Things became interesting went we finally went to our last campsite for the camp. For once, we just slept in the open. Things get mysterious when section 2 pointed out the next day that alot of them their specs were removed from them while they were asleep. This phenomenon happened to me on that night too. Many would have said that we could have dropped it while sleeping, but the thing was that i was wearing my spectacle band, so it would be almost impossible for my specs to drop off unless done manually. No one actually saw the one who helped us removed the specs though....

Day6 and7
As i always say, when u are tired, your true personally will start to show. Throughout the field camp, i've really seen the worstest sight of my platoonmate. Some of them looked nice and helpful but turned out to be easily irritated and mean. While some we thought are slackers. really did those little things that can really make our day. Walking just a few more steps to help others fill their waterbottles, giving others a slight push while they were trying to stand up, not to complain to demoralise others or even just a whisper of "jia you" or "u can do it" in ur ear. Such little things are just like the wind that ease ur tiredness and dries up your tears and sweat, brightening up your day.

"i want to be the wind, a wind like breath"

|[ zofz | 10:02 AM ]|

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